Thursday, July 7, 2011

Happy 7th of July!!!

I do NOT heart the 4th of July...I might even hate it.
Okay, so before you get upset with me...

I understand the purpose of July 4th...
to celebrate our independence
to thank the Lord for this wonderful place we are lucky enough to live
to remember those who lost so much to give us these freedoms
and to thank those who served and continue to serve our country to protect our rights.

All wonderful things!

However, speaking of our rights...
I sure have to request that one of them be taken away..
the right to shoot off fireworks whenever and however long you want to...
and again, and again and again....

I mean really, I'm all about fireworks on July 4th and New Years...
I have great memories of shooting them off on our street with my Daddy when I was little (who by the way, made sure we did not aim at houses or yards and that we were done long before any neighbor's bedtimes)
and of bottle rocket wars (yes I know that is not a good idea for anybody) in a friend's field
and maybe even on the occasional personal special event...

but is it REALLY necessary to shoot off super loud and disruptive explosive devices 5 days in a row?
or at 5pm, 8pm, 11pm, 2 am etc day after day?

Maybe it is because we live out in "the county"  in northwest Alabama...
maybe it is because some people who live out here were raised not by normal, healthy God-fearing parents rather they were seemingly raised by a pack of rabid (and very ill-mannered) wolves?

Some of us do work for a living and would appreciate a full night's rest.... at least one out of 4-5 consecutive days.

But the actual reason I have come to abhor the fireworks that occur for days on end twice a year for the past 2 1/2 years is because of this guy:

He HATES fireworks.
He is thinks fireworks indicate the end of the world
or a huge scary monster
or the thunderstorm from hell.

Honestly I don't know what he thinks...
but I for one think that one of the scariest things around is a half ton creature flying desperately around the pasture or attempting to jump over/through the 6 foot high walls of his stall...'s not fun.

It has gotten to where we don't really even want to go out and check on him during the firework marathons because if we do find him missing a leg...
or bleeding out onto his stall floor...
we can't even get near him to help him without getting killed in his mad frenzy.

Soooo this year we decided to try something new...
since stuffing his ears night after night with cotton...
playing the radio super loud to drown out the booms...
and leaving the barn lights on to try to distract from the fire-y skies...
was not working all.

Instead, we used drugs.
And lots of them.

Poor Moby was a pin cushion...
five nights in a row.

but it's okay...whatever lets the county "folk" enjoy their ENTIRE WEEK of blowing $#^* up.

I'm just glad we found a way to keep him from impaling himself on the stall door.
But I'm happy to report he still has all of his legs, eyes and ears!

So if you see me next July 2nd ish-6th ish or Dec 31ish -Jan 5th ish and I am very very tired, grumpy or bitter...
please don't think that I don't love the holiday itself...
I just really really hate part of the evening festivities...
(and for a few hours I kinda dislike the people who cause them too!)

and I do actually long for the days when I could enjoy the pretty fireworks displays with carefree joy!

So with that I'll sign off saying:


In addition...July 7th is pretty stinkin' awesome because it is also the day my Momma was born!!!!!

and that kinda does warrant fireworks!
 (just not near MY house please!)


Momma and Caleb

Momma and baby me

Happy Birthday Momma!

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